A Place to Call Our Own (APTCOO)
one stop resource facility for disabled children and young people with a special need, their carers and their families. This charity works in North Nottinghamshire. It provides quality support, information and services to families of children whose additional needs cause learning, behavioural or emotional difficulties. Information sessions and parental support groups available.
01623 629902
enquiries@aptcoo.co.ukCAST – Cornerstone Angling Skills Training
CAST encourages young people to recognise the merits of learning skills in order to achieve goals and understand the links between education and success.
The project uses angling as a means to inspire and motivate young people to develop an interest in and enjoy learning by teaching them how to set out to catch specimen sized fish of a variety of species
01623 723431
mleivers@rcan.org.ukNewark Ramblers
The Newark Ramblers group was formed in 1971 and organises a walk almost every Sunday and Wednesday, chiefly in the local area. The walks vary in length from 4-10 miles, with the shorter walks being done at a leisurely pace which is ideal for new walkers. We also arrange coach or train trips for walking farther afield and, from time to time, we arrange short walking breaks.
Newark Ramblers<strong>Tuxford Family Fitness Sessions</strong>
The Tuxford Family Fitness Sessions offer the opportunity for families to exercise together. Come along and take part in the beginner and intermediate fitness sessions and take advantage of the free multi sports sessions for the children. Sessions take place on Mondays (term time only) from 6pm to 7pm. Cost is 3.50 per adult and children attend for free.
Main Sports Hall, Tuxford Comprehensive School, Marnham Road, Tuxford, Newark, Notts
Community groups
Page published: 22 November 2023
Last updated: 7 February 2025