We have closed circuit TV (CCTV) at our surgery to to improve the personal security of patients and staff whilst on the premises.
Other than in accordance with statutory rights, the release or availability of images will be at the discretion of the partners / principal to the practice, who are data controllers for the purposes of the data protection act.
Where access is granted in response to an application received, the image may be edited to exclude images of third parties who may be also included within the requested image. This may be necessary to protect the identity of the third parties.
In these circumstances the image released as part of the application may record / identify the “data subject” only.
Images will be located by the data controller or authorised person.
When assessing the content of the image released the decision will be taken by the data controllers having due regard to the requirements of the data protection act and code of conduct.
Access – Data subject
The Data Protection Act 2018 specifies the rights of access of the Data Subject.
All requests for access must be in writing on a data access form, which will be provided on request.
The practice may charge a reasonable fee to provide the footage, depending on the demands of the request.
The form must be fully completed.
A response will be provided as soon as possible and in any event within 40 days. Where an application is declined, a reason will be given.
Access – Third party
Access by third parties will be tightly controlled to ensure the confidentiality of individuals. All requests will be in writing on the standard form provided.
The practice may charge a reasonable fee to provide the footage, depending on the demands of the request.
Images will only be made available to third parties in limited and prescribed circumstances, and this will generally be restricted to law enforcement agencies.
Where an application is declined a reason will be given.